Flavor of Mercury retrograde May 10 – June 3 2022

Flavor of Mercury retrograde May 10 – June 3 2022

This Mercury retrograde begins in the early degrees of Gemini and takes us at the station direct to Taurus. The actual degree of the station direct on June 3 is considered to be a wild part of the sky, representing, in its negative manifestation, a kind of blind rage arising from injustice (of which there is plenty on this planet). However, this station makes a favorable aspect to Pluto (some say, with friends like that, who needs enemies…). But a trine (positive) is a trine and the possibility is empowerment. Empowering rage is something none of us wants more of. To empower something more useful, at least at an individual level we might consider why this part of the zodiac is linked to such destructive power.

To my mind it is justifiable to be enraged at the way humans have violated nature and particularly beauty. Even so rage, when you think about it, is a massive anxiety attack and not generally productive. Anger, however, can transform us, bring clarity and aim us at solutions. When we are enraged we are all over the place and want to destroy something (even ourselves). When we are angry we tend to step back and take a breath. Our nostrils flare. This allows us to figure out actions that might change the way things are to the way they should or could be. Pluto is just as happy with transformation as destruction. You could say that Pluto takes the long view and doesn’t make a distinction between them.

All roads lead to change. I suggest we use this Mercury retrograde period to listen to new ideas while it’s in Gemini (until May 22nd), paying particular attention to the conjunction with the Sun on May 21st. From that point, once it goes back into Taurus and changes direction, we work at using our anger or indignation in aid of creating a more beautiful world, wherever we are, whatever that means to you.

On the same day that Mercury stations retrograde Jupiter will enter Aries for the first time in about 12 years. Aries is a sign of individuality as well as aggression. Its finest manifestation is when it aims at birth or breakthrough. Its worst manifestation is war. If we can make it through Jupiter in Aries (till October 28th on this round) without escalating war and warlike situations we might just bring about a new way to deal with deeply threatening planetary conditions. It’s a big ask for our species (humans) to lay down our reactivity and consider the consequences for children and all living things. But there it is! Ours to explore.

Warm regards,



PS – join us for the repatterning alignment on May 10th – and make the most of this mercury retrograde! https://lighttravels.com/event-4605719

About juliesimmons

I am an astrologer. I love Mercury Retrograde. Especially when I am aligned for it.
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